Submission Papers
Registration Form
Fee and Hotels
Special Issue
This is the website of the CARME2007 conference, to be held at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands from June 25-27, 2007. The objective of this conference is to spotlight the very latest research in correspondence analysis and related techniques, and discuss future developments. We aim to bring together theoretical and applied researchers in all the areas where correspondence analysis is currently used.
Recent Changes/News
- July 1, 2007: Photos of the conference added.
- June 24, 2007: Information about the special issue is added.
- June 12, 2007: Final program with directions to the conference venue is available.
- May 13, 2007: List of confirmed invited speakers updated.
- May 7, 2007: Doug Carroll has cancelled his participation due to personal circumstances.
- March 31, 2007: submission abstract.
- Before April 15, 2007: notification of acceptance of conference papers.
- Before April 30, 2007: Early registration fee of € 120.
- After April 30, 2007: Normal registration fee of € 150.
Confirmed Invited Speakers
- John Gower (Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)
- Fionn Murtagh (University of London, UK)
- Michael Friendly (York University, Toronto, Canada)
- Wayne DeSarbo (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
- Willem Heiser (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
- Antoine de Falguerolles (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)
- Ludovic Lebart (École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, France)
- Gilbert Saporta (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France)
- Jérôme Pagès (Agrocampus, Rennes, France)
- Henk Kiers (Groningen University, The Netherlands)
Special Journal Issue
Papers containing strong computational statistical or substantive data-analytic elements will be considered for publication in a special peer-reviewed issue of the journal Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. For more information, see special issue.
Contact Address Local Organizers
E-mail: carme2007@carme-n.org
Regular mail:
Carme 2007
Patrick J.F. Groenen
Econometric Institute, Erasmus University
Room H11.25
P.O. Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Supported by
