
In this section you can find the instructions to submit your contributions through EasyChair, our conference management system.

If you already have an EasyChair account from another conference, you can use that account to submit a paper to CARME2015, otherwise go to the CARME2015 EasyChair page.

Instructions for authors

  1. If you have not used EasyChair Conference System before, click “sign up for an account”.

  2. You will have to indicate your name, give a password and a valid e-mail address.

  3. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail. To continue, click the embedded link.

  4. Complete the sign-up process by filling out your account information and clicking ”create my account”.

  5. You will then be shown a confirmation and be given a link returning you to the sign-in page (from step1).

  6. Sign in with the user name and password you provided in step 2.

  7. Click “New Submission” from menu to upload your abstract.

  8. Fill in your “address for Correspondence“. Make sure your correspondence information is correct.

  9. Next, you can add authors to your submission manually. To add co-authors with whom you have already submitted a paper via EasyChair press “click here to add an associate” and select them from the list. By default three author forms are shown, additional forms can be added by clicking the link “add more authors” at the bottom of third author form.

  10. Fill in the paper “Title“.

  11. Fill in the “Abstract” field with the abstract of up to 500 words. If your are willing to participate to the poster session, please indicate it at the end of abstract (e.g. typing 'Poster session contribution' at the end of your abstract).

  12. Select the relevant category for submission by clicking on the radio button.

  13. Provide the list of keywords.